Article 141 If the law has other stipulations concerning limitation of action, those stipulations shall apply. 第一百四十一条法律对诉讼时效另有规定的,依照法律规定。
Article 137 A limitation of action shall begin when the entitled person knows or should know that his rights have been infringed upon. 第一百三十七条诉讼时效期间从知道或者应当知道权利被侵害时起计算。
Under special circumstances, the people's court may extend the limitation of action. 有特殊情况的,人民法院可以延长诉讼时效期间。
Chapter VII Limitation of Action 第七章诉讼时效
Article 140 A limitation of action shall be discontinued if suit is brought or if one party makes a claim for or agrees to fulfillment of obligations. 第一百四十条诉讼时效因提起诉讼、当事人一方提出要求或者同意履行义务而中断。
Article 139 A limitation of action shall be suspended during the last six months of the limitation if the plaintiff cannot exercise his right of claim because of force majeure or other obstacles. 第一百三十九条在诉讼时效期间的最后六个月内,因不可抗力或者其他障碍不能行使请求权的,诉讼时效中止。
Article 138 If a party chooses to fulfil obligations voluntarily after the limitation of action has expired, he shall not be subject to the limitation. 第一百三十八条超过诉讼时效期间,当事人自愿履行的,不受诉讼时效限制。
The methods of structuralism were used to analyze the clause of withdrawal of the case and discontinuance of limitation of action, and the deep structure was found in the clause. 通过运用结构主义的方法,分析撤诉与诉讼时效中断的相关法律条文,从而发现当中的深层结构方式。
Introspection and Reconstruction about the Discontinuation of Limitation of Action Brought by Starting an Action in General Principles of the Civil Law; The starting-point and duration-change of civil prescription in our country should be particularized and concrete. 对我国《民法通则》关于起诉引起诉讼时效中断规定的反思与重构对于诉讼时效起算点和期间变动宜进一步具体化和细致化。
Enable IK Solvers The Mode and Influence of Limitation of Action's Effectiveness 论诉讼时效效力的启动模式及其影响
On Transformation and Application of Guaranty Duration And Limitation of Action 论保证期间与诉讼时效的转换及适用
The Individual Self-governance Turn of the Effectiveness of Limitation of Action: From the Angle of both Substantive and Procedural Law; Development of High Precision Time-Order Control System About the Test of Bi-Propellant Attitude-Controlled Engine 论我国诉讼时效效力的私人自治转向&实体与程序双重视角的观察双组元姿控发动机试验高精度时序控制系统研制
Research on the Distribution of Burden of Proof to Limitation of Action 诉讼时效证明责任分配问题研究
On the Civil Rights 'Application to the Limitation of Action 民事权利的诉讼时效适用问题研究
It is academic and practically meaningful to study the object and scope of limitation of action. 而研究诉讼时效客体和范围具有重要理论价值和重大现实意义。
Study on Obstacles to Completion of Limitation of Action 诉讼时效完成障碍研究
This is the constitutional foundation of limitation of action. 这即是诉讼时效的制度基础之所在。
The system of the limitation of action is extensively applied in the judicial practice of our country. 诉讼时效制度是在我国司法实践中运用得较为广泛的制度。
Secondly, the author explains the object of limitation of action should be the claim right. 其次,指出了诉讼时效的客体应是请求权。
Again, the law value of the limitation of action is discussed, and its value of existence is built. 再次,对诉讼时效制度的法律价值进行了论述,确定了诉讼时效制度存在的价值。
With the development of our social and economic system, the current Limitation of Action System of Civil Law is apparently unsuitable to the new situation. 加之社会经济体制的变化,现行的诉讼时效制度显然已无法适应我国社会经济发展的新情况和新变化,对其进行进一步的改进和完善迫在眉睫。
This part points out the deficiencies of current legislation on the application scope of limitation of action. 该部分在分析、比较诉讼时效适用范围的几种典型立法例及成因的基础上,指出了我国现行立法对诉讼时效适用范围规定的不足。
The limitation of actions applicable scope is an important question in the limitation of action domain. 消灭时效的适用范围是诉讼时效领域内一个重要的问题。
The right of the real claim limitation of action suitable value analysis. 第二部分物权请求权诉讼时效适用的价值分析。
Part VI describes the judgment standard if limitation of action applies to civil right. 第六部分民事权利应否适用诉讼时效的判断标准。
First of all, this section defined two prerequisites of the object of limitation of action, which was, time and space. 本节首先对确定诉讼时效客体的两个先决问题,即时间和空间问题进行了界定。
The basic content includes concept, the imputation principles, constitutive requirements, application of limitation of action. 基本内容包括概念、归责原则、构成要件、诉讼时效的适用等。
Part II describes the aim of system of limitation of action and the restudy to the traditional theory. 第二部分诉讼时效制度的目的&对传统学说的反思。
System of limitation of action in china inherits that of the former Soviet Union, Germany or Japan. 但是,我国时效制度的很多规定是继受前苏联和德日等国的相关规定而设置的。